Study Shows Blood Type Might be Related to Infection Probability

ARIZONA, USA – If your blood type is “O” or “B” you could be less vulnerable to Covid-19 and have a lower probability of becoming seriously ill, according to two studies published Wednesday. Although, according to a CNN report, experts say more evidence is needed.

The research provides further evidence that blood type may play a role in a person’s susceptibility to infection and their likelihood of having a severe episode of the disease, the news outlet says.

And that the reasons are unclear at this point, more research is needed.


The news network mentions a Danish study indicating that among 7,422 people who tested positive for Covid-19, only 38.4% were blood type O. This blood type was found in 41.7% of the 2.2 million Danes who did not get tested.

And that 44.4% of group A tested positive, while in the Danish population in general this blood type represents 42.4%.

More studies

In another study, researchers in Canada found that among 95 critically ill Covid-19 patients, a higher proportion with blood type A or AB (84%) required mechanical ventilation compared to patients with blood group O or B, which was 61%.

The Canadian study also found that those with blood type A or AB had a longer stay in the intensive care unit, spending an average of 13.5 days, compared to those with blood type O or B, who spent an average of nine days.

No need to worry

Most humans belong to one of four blood groups: A, B, AB, or O. In the United States, the most common blood groups are O and A.

“We do not know if this is some type of protection of group O, or if it is some type of vulnerability in the other blood groups,” experts said.

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