Petrochemical plant explodes in Iran

Strong fires in the industrial city of Shokuhieh, in the Province of Qom.

Last year, several explosions and fires, affected industrial areas in Iran, included petrochemicals plants.

IRAN.- A petrochemical plant, exploded last Sunday provoking strong fires in the industrial city of Shokuhieh, in the Province of Qom during Sunday.

Irani media reported that 150 firefighters in 20 vehicles of fire extinction, worked for hours to extinguish the flames of this huge fire.

In the flames attack, two firefighters get hurt, and two emergency trucks that were affected by the fire resulted destroyed.

During the burning occurred several explosions.

A spokesman of the local Department of Firefighters said to a news agency, that they prevent that the fire reaches nearly tanks, which could increase the level of the emergency if they were reached by the fire.

Last year, several explosions and fires, affected industrial areas in Iran, included petrochemicals plants.

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