Local Authorities Recommend Payment Stop for People that Don’t Stay Home

NOGALES. Local authorities will recommend employers who have closed their businesses to not pay workers their wages if they do not stay at home.

The action was announced by the municipal government, at they same time they also confirmed that the National Guard and Municipal Police joined efforts to toughen preventive measures of the Covid-19 health emergency.

The determination arose in the agreements that were made during the meeting of the Board of Security in which the authorities of the three levels of government intervene.

The authorities agreed that through the National Guard and the Municipal Preventive Police, merchants and businessmen be proposed to communicate to their employees that granting them salary payment without working will be canceled if they do not comply with the instruction “Stay Home”.

"The proposal came up because people are taking advantage of receiving a salary without working and they are going out to party or on holiday, which is totally contrary to the actions being taken against the disease and citizens must understand that the salary they receive is for them to eat at home and not for them to go out on vacation.”

Other Actions

In addition to the strengthening of surveillance in the neighborhoods and in the business sectors that have been implemented since the health contingency began, the health and citizen protection authorities have made innovations so that the “Coronavirus” does not spread in the city and gradually they have tightened the strategy for people to stay home, they reported.

"Within these commitments that have been made in the meetings of the Board of Security, is to increase the actions coordinated by various means with the different government entities to invite citizens to stay home," they added.

Tags:  #Nogales #COVID-19 #Mesa de Seguridad

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