Young Volunteers Create Face Shields For Donation

The Border Reports – NOGALES, SONORA, MEXICO

Young university students voluntarily joined to support hospitals with the development of plastic and acrylic masks, adding to date about one hundred masks delivered.

Miguel González Tapia, dean of the Technological University of Nogales (UTN), indicated that they have already been delivered to the Health Center and the General Hospital and that they are continuing with the preparation.

He explained that a group of students, including mechatronics student Alejandra Machado, proposed the idea to the school.

“They asked us first for permission to move 3D printers and support to get material here to make those masks that are like the conventional headband and transparent acrylic protection,” he said.

They were provided with the equipment and material that existed and production began last Saturday and Sunday.

“And from there comes the production of those masks that have already been delivered to the Health Center clinic and yesterday in the same way another 35 were delivered to the General Hospital and the production process continues with the option that today later it can be done delivery of the same to the Isssteson hospital, ” he added.

Young Volunteers Step It Up

The community comes together in times of crisis, a few days ago another group of young citizens got together virtually to create even more face shields for medical staff in Nogales Sonora in support for the Covid-19 crisis.

These young members of the Nogales Sonora community:  Omar Montano Rosas, along with Mauricio Rivera, David Castro, Octavio Torres, Camila Torres, Octavio Tinoco, Cesar Morales, Yazmin Gamez, Julian Hernandez, Norma Rosas, Nando Rosas, Eremita Rosas and Gabriela Arballo among others were able to produce a substantial amount of protective face shields and donate them to local doctors and nurses.

The face shield provides additional coverage to medical staff minimizing even more the risk of infection.

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