Woman Smuggles Over 50,000 in Baby Car Seat

NOGALES, SONORA, MX – A woman was detained for attempting to introduce 58,364 dollars of cash into Mexico. The money was hidden inside a baby car seat.

The incident occurred at 12:45 am on Thursday, October 15, at Garita Uno, Puerta de Mexico. A woman identified as Estefania N arrived at the border port in a white Toyota Highlander.

When she was randomly selected for a vehicle search, she stated she had nothing to declare. But when carrying out the systematic search of the vehicle it was observed that she was carrying a baby carrier in the back seat. The officer noticed that under the baby carrier there was cash in different denominations, so he proceeded to notify the National Guard so that they could provide the corresponding support.

The result was the confiscation of all 58,364 US dollars in bills of different denominations, which were hidden in the baby carrier.

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