Tucson Woman Seeking Medical Help in Nogales, Sonora Dies

NOGALES, SONORA, MX – A 54-year-old woman, whose husband transferred from Tucson, Arizona, to Nogales, Sonora, seeking medical attention, dies in the car moments before arriving at a local hospital. 

The incident was reported at 6:00 am on Tuesday, when local authorities were asked to go to the General Hospital.

Agents met the woman’s husband, 65-year-old Oscar M, 65, who said he lived in Tucson, Arizona.

He said that his wife was feeling bad, so he brought her from Tucson to Nogales, Sonora. But when they arrived at the hospital, the medical workers informed him that his wife did not have any vital signs.

In his statement, he stressed that his wife did not suffer from any diseases.

Authorities carried out the corresponding procedure.

General Hospital Nogales

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