Today Arizona Reports Zero Deaths by Coronavirus

TUCSON, ARIZONA, US – For the first time in over a month, Arizona health authorities reported zero deaths in the past 24 hours from Covid-19.

They did document 190 new infected patients, with which the accumulated number of cases due to Coronavirus amounts to 6,716. This data is according to the Arizona Department of Public Health Services.

There were zero deaths on Sunday, something that had not occurred since March 21.

The accumulated number of deaths derived from Covid-19 is 275.

Of Arizona’s four counties that share a border with Sonora, two report deaths.

Pima County records a cumulative of 76 deaths while Yuma has a 3. Fortunately, Santa Cruz and Cochise have not documented deaths.

Of the 275 cumulative deaths for the whole state of Arizona, 208 were in people age 65 and older; 40 in people from 55 to 64 years old; 18 in individuals from 45 to 54 years old and 9 in people from 20 to 44 years old.


Santa Cruz County has 30 infected people; Cochise 36, Pima 1,164, and Maricopa 3,457. The other documented cases are in the rest of the counties.

To date 66,543 Covid-19 tests have been applied in the state.

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