Thousands of USA Travelers Go Through Sanitizing Mexican Tunnels

NOGALES, SONORA, MX – Every week, between 2,800 and 3,500 travelers from the United States pass through the sanitization tunnels installed in the city of Nogales.

Local health authorities reported that the substance they spray is not harmful to health.

They detailed that it consists of biocide, a derivative of quaternary waters that protects against viruses, bacteria, and infections.

The substance also protects people against respiratory diseases that could aggravate their health if they become infected with Covid-19.

Health workers informed that the solution adds a layer to clothing and skin that protects them for 15 and 24 hours.

The substance is biodegradable and mixed by a specialist who constantly supervises the sanitizing tunnels installed at Mexico’s entrance.

On Wednesday, a sanitizing tunnel was in operation on Adolfo López Mateos avenue for those travelers who entered Mexico through the Dennis DeConcini Port of Entry, in downtown.

Another sanitizing tunnel was placed in Luis Donaldo Colosio street for those who entered the Mexican territory through the Mariposa Port of Entry.

Sanitizing Tunnels in Nogales, Sonora

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