Suspect Arrested for Attempted Aggravated Rape

NOGALES, SONORA, MX – Local authorities capture a male suspect and turn him over to the Attorney General’s Office (FGJ), who will prosecute him for aggravated attempted rape against a minor girl.

The suspect was identified as Miguel Angel N, confirmed in a FGJ report.

During a hearing last Sunday, June 21, authorities ordered the preventive detention of Miguel Angel N.

The investigation established that the suspect is charged with the crime of attempted aggravated rape for the events that occurred on Sunday, June 14 at 2:00 pm.

The official report states that during Sunday, June 14, the suspect parked his 2001 wagon at the street Camino Viejo a Cananea, near the neighborhood Romanza, with the intent to commit sexual assault against the minor.

“Municipal Police officers were those who, when patrolling the area, were struck by the fact that the vehicle was badly parked on the side of the road, and as they approached, they heard the girl’s call for help, surprising the aggressor flagrantly trying to consummate the crime, ” the report states.

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