Santa Cruz County Receives Budget for Maintenance and Operation of International Drain Interceptor

NOGALES, ARIZONA, US – The border community of Santa Cruz County is benefited with the approval of 4 million dollars for maintenance and operation of the international drain interceptor.

Nogales Arizona

The money was part of the approval of a $4 million amendment to the budget of the International Boundary and Water Commission (IBWC) by legislator Raul Grijalva.

“It is ridiculous that the people of Nogales and Santa Cruz County live under the constant threat of a serious public health emergency if the IOI explodes,” said the member of the House of Representatives in a press release.

“Clarifying the IOI’s accountability to the IBWC will mean that we can begin the necessary repairs to aging infrastructure with greater certainty as we protect the public health of those who live along the border,” he said.

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