Recipe of the Day – Mexican Horchata

The days are starting to warm up in our beautiful Sonora and Arizona, and our loved ones crave refreshing liquids!

Here is a recipe for a delicious Horchata water that you can make with the ingredients you probably already have at home, it’s beloved by my picky eater kids, by my old fashioned aunt and by my not so picky eater husband… AND you can make it in about one hour.

Feel free to share this recipe via facebook, twitter or comment down below. I love to see your success pictures and secret recommendation.

Good luck and Enjoy!


Refreshing Mexican Horchata

  • .5 lbs Rice
  • 3 sticks Cinnamon
  • 1 can Evaporated Milk
  • 1/2 gallon Water
  • 1/2 tbsp Vanilla
  • Sugar as needed
  1. Put the rice in a bowl and fill it with water. The water should completely soak the rice. Leave it soaking for one hour… It's better if you leave it overnight, but 1 hour will do! We want the rice to be soft and easily crushed by the blender.

  2. Place the cinnamon sticks in a pan with water and boil for 15 minutes with a lid, as if making cinnamon tea. After 15 minutes turn the heat off and let it sit to cool down. 2 cups of water should be enough so that the tea feels concentrated. It's important to wait until the water is boiling and then put the lid on for 15 minutes.

  3. Remove all water from the rice and put the rice in a blender. I find it easier to use a strainer and then put the rice into the blender. The rice will be soft will crush easily!

    Make sure you do not overfill the blender, only fill it about half way with rice and blend that, my blender takes about 3 minutes to fully crush up the rice, but I do have a 20 year old blender 😁. If you feel the mixture is too thick and it's hard for the blender to move, put in a little bit of water, a few tablespoons should do.

    Once the rice has crushed put in 1/2 a can of evaporated water, 1/2 of the cinnamon tea (without the sticks), 1/2 of the sugar, a little bit of vanilla and continue blending for another 2 minutes.

    Pour the blended mixture into your pitcher using a very fine strainer. You will still get some sediment in your Horchata, but it will be minimal and I promise it will taste great! The sediment is the small particles that separate and move to the bottom of the horchata… it tastes great and it provides a wonderful texture to the water!

  4. Do the same with the leftover ingredients, the idea is that you do not overfill the blender, but you can still get the rice crushed and all the ingredients mixed together seamlessly. Put that second batch of mixture into your pitcher also, but don't forget to use a very fine strainer.

    That's it! You have a tasty refreshing Mexican Horchata water!

    When you serve it you have the option to sprinkle some grounded cinnamon on top… My kids love that!

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