Recipe of the Day – Kid Friendly One Hour Spaghetti

Somedays I need to make something that’s heart warming, filling, delicious and quick! Today was one of those days. Homeschooling, working remotely and taking care of a house leaves little time for one of my favorite activities, cooking.

My kids like many others, are picky eaters… it’s not so much the taste, rather the consistency of food. I know… I should have fed them more raw vegetables and fruits when they were babies… but hey, here we are.

Whenever they taste something for the first time, they are cautious and inspect it very thoroughly before taking a bite. Then they savor all of the flavors and feel all of the textures… and I hope for the best! 😉

This spaghetti is kid friendly, filling and delicious. You likely have all of the ingredients at home AND it takes about one hour to make.

Feel free to share this recipe via facebook, twitter or comment down below. I love to see your success pictures and secret recommendations!

Good luck and enjoy!

Kid Friendly Spaghetti

  • 32 oz Spaghetti
  • 4 oz Cream Cheese
  • 7 oz Tomato Sauce
  • 2 tbsp Butter
  • 1 tbsp Dried Oregano Leaves
  • 1 pinch Salt
  1. Fill a pan with water put in a few drops of olive oil and a pinch of salt, bring to a boil in high heat. We will use this to cook the spaghetti, so make sure the pan size will fit the spaghetti quantity you are cooking.

    TIP: To measure out the spaghetti quantity, I make a circle with my thumb and my index finger like an OK sign… I find that feeds about 4 people.

  2. Once the water is boiling put in your spaghetti, you can break the spaghetti it in half or leave it as is. Make sure you don't burn yourself! Leave it cooking for about 15 minutes in medium-low heat.

    TIP: When the spaghetti is ready it will be flexible and the tips will look a little bit swollen.

  3. Put the spaghetti in a strainer and leave it there for a while since we will reuse the pan. Place the pan back in the stove over medium-low heat and drop in the butter. When it melts, it's time to put in the cream cheese and then the tomato sauce. The cream cheese will take a while to melt, but you want everything to melt together until you see a uniform orange colored sauce. On my stove and my pan it takes about 10 minutes.

    TIP: Don't let the butter or the sauce boil, if you see it's starting to boil turn down the heat a little bit more and keep stirring until everything has melted.

  4. When you have a uniform sauce, it's time to put in salt and crushed oregano leaves. You can put in as little or as much as you feel like. My kids and I love oregano, so I usually add lots of oregano and just a pinch of salt. Stir for about 2 minutes.

  5. Now it's time to put the cooked spaghetti back in. You will move it from the strainer to the pan and will mix it into the sauce. Make sure the sauce covers all of the spaghetti. Once all of the spaghetti is covered, leave it cooking for 5 minutes stirring occasionally. This will make the sauce become creamier.

    TIP: At this point do not mix the spaghetti too much, this will cause it to break up and become "mushy".

  6. Serve and enjoy!

    TIP: I usually serve this with broccoli or ground beef, my kids love that!

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