Recipe of the Day – Kid Friendly Bistec a la Mexicana

Bistec a la Mexicana, think beef slices prepared in a spicy tomato and chile sauce. Bistec – thinly sliced beef with little to no fat. A la Mexicana usually means that the dish has a mixture of tomatoes, onions, garlic and serrano chile… my favorite. Serrano chiles are spicy, so you’ll want to be careful with the quantities, but don’t worry! This is kid friendly!

Have I mentioned my kids are picky eaters? What makes them cringe is not so much the taste, but the consistency of food, which means I need to be careful with soft textures. I prepare this dish with all of the regular ingredients, so it’s full of nutrients, protein and vitamins, but there is just one secret when adding the sauce that makes all the difference.

Bistec a la Mexicana is a wonderful, fulfilling dish that will have your whole family complimenting your cooking. I usually serve it with red rice or spaghetti and jamaica. There are many variations in Mexico, here is my family’s recipe plus my twist to customize it for my kids. By the way… did you know Bistec is pronounced almost like beefsteak?

If you need help finding some of the ingredients, you will likely find them in any Mexican market nearby. You can also find the ingredients in your local Food City, Bashas or even Walmart!

This dish is kid friendly, filling and delicious AND it takes about one hour to make.

Feel free to share this recipe via facebook, twitter or comment down below. I love to see your success pictures and secret recommendations!

Good luck and enjoy!

Bistec a la Mexicana – Kid Friendly

Thin slices of been in a mexican-style sauce that kids love!

  • 4.5 lbs beefsteak
  • 3 tomatoes
  • 1/2 onion
  • 1 chile serrano ((optional))
  • 2 garlic cloves
  • 1 tbsp olive oil
  • salt
  • oregano ((optional))
  1. Cut the tomatoes, onions and serrano into squares, peel the garlic and put everything in a pan with olive oil over medium heat. You don't need to cut too precisely since we'll puree this mixture a little bit later. Cook for about 7 minutes or until you see that the tomatoes have become almost like a paste. Let it sit while you prepare the beefsteak.

    TIP: Serrano is very spicy, I usually only put in one per 4.5 pounds of meat, but if you are sensitive to spices, you can skip it… or if you love spice, add more!

  2. Put a saucepan over heat, you want it to be VERY hot when you put in the beefsteak. Thinly cut the beefsteak into slices. I usually cut them into 1/2" by 2" strips. When the pan is very hot, add the meat. It will smell a little bit of carne asada, but this will seal the meat and the flavor. Stir for 2 minutes, lower the heat to very low and cover it.

  3. Put the cooked onions, tomatoes, serrano (optional) and garlic into a blender. Add salt and oregano (optional) and puree in the blender until it becomes a paste. If this is still too hot wait a few more minutes, you don't want to burn yourself or the blender!

  4. Use a strainer to add the paste to the meat… this is it! This is the secret. If you add the paste directly into the beefsteak you might get little pieces of vegetables that were not fully pureed along with frowns on the little ones.

    TIP: If you don't have picky eaters, you don't need to use a strainer!

  5. Place the lid back on the beefsteak and leave for about 30 minutes over low heat. You did it again beautiful! Great job!

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