Reaching 8,000 Cases of Covid-19 in Arizona

NOGALES, ARIZONA, USA – Arizona is close to reaching 8,000 infected people by Covid-19.

According to the Department of Public Health and Social Services, the number of accumulated cases is 7,962, while the number of deaths derived from Covid-19 reached 330.

During Thursday, health authorities reported the deaths of ten people and a total of 314 new infection cases.

76% of the deaths were people 65 years or older; 14% between 55 and 64 years old; 6% from 45 to 54 years old; 3% from 20 to 44 years old. Six out of every ten deaths have been in males.

The county with the most people infected is Maricopa with a total of 4,156; Pima with 1,267; Santa Cruz with 33 and Cochise with 39.

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