Psychologists Remind Community of Mental Health Importance

NOGALES, SONORA, MX – A group of psychologists from Nogales, Mexico, released a video offering help to the community that is suffering from mental health problems during the current Covid-19 pandemic.

Joel Espinoza García, a family therapy psychologist, announced that the idea started when they saw how the community is being “bombarded” with a lot of information about the pandemic, sometimes from unreliable sources.

And noticing how all this affects family dynamics and individual behavior itself.

“People are having anxiety, depression and a lot of uncertainty. They don’t know what they are going to do, especially in the economic aspect. They cannot just go out and live their normal day, everything is greatly impacted,” he said.

Because of this difficult dynamic, the psychologists are seeking to support the local community from their own resources. They are sending the message that everything might seem like it is bad, but favorable things may arise within the family and/or with their partners.

We have listened to cases that have said they are not used to spending so much time with their wife, husband; they don’t know what to talk about, maybe they don’t have so many things in common after all. That can cause social problems if it is not addressed“, he said.

The specialist said that many times people just need to talk about the problem.

The video, were a group of psychologists are offering their service circulates on social networks in the border town of Nogales.

They let the community know that they are available to help with mental health problems and to overcome the difficult situation faced by restrictions and the effects of Covid-19.

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