Police Force Ensure Prevention Measures for Employees and Detainees

NOGALES, SONORA, MEXICO – The safety measures of the police officers and the people detained in their facilities, comply with the measures required by the Secretary of Health in the face of the Covid-19 health contingency.

The Nogales Police Department chief, Alberto Lopez Rodriguez, said that it is mandatory for the officers, staff, and administrators to wear face-masks, to maintain a safe distance of 2 meters, to avoid physical contact, and to wash their hands frequently.

He added that cells are also sanitized, which also keeps detainees protected.

The police elements have strict instructions so that all those who participate in a transfer of detainees wear mouth covers and gloves. This way, the detained is inspected by the qualifying doctor for their health assessment in a safe way.

In cases where the detainee is transferred to a Prosecutor’s Office, local Police must disclose the diagnosis of a person so the proper preventive measures can be applied.

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