Non-essential Travel Restriction to Mexico is Still in Effect this Week

NOGALES, SONORA, MX – Non-essential travel restrictions to visit Mexico are still in effect this week in Nogales. Non-essential reasons are tourism, gambling, and recreational reasons.

Between Sunday and Monday morning authorities return at least 115 vehicles to the United States for failing to demonstrate that their reason for traveling into Mexico is essential.

The inspection area is located in the Garita Puerta de Mexico before the inspection traffic lights area.

Agents of the National Institute of Migration (INM) conduct a brief interview to validate if the reason for travel classifies as “essential”.

The inspection checkpoint to detect non-essential trips was installed on Saturday afternoon. The filter will continue indefinitely until customs receives new instructions.

Sanitization and Health Prevention Filters

Sonora’s Government installed sanitization filters in locations throughout the state, including outside of border port facilities in Nogales. “The intention is to stop the spread of Covid-19 in Sonora”, the governor of Sonora stated.

In a press release, Sonora’s Government confirms that Agua Prieta, Sonoyta, Guaymas, Bahia de Kino, San Pedro, Nogales, Naco, San Luis Rio Colorado, Sinoquipe and Mazocahui have essential-only travel filters.

Data shows that on Friday 388 vehicle drivers were returned to the United States and 215 on Saturday.

The criteria to classify as essential or not are the same as those applied by Customs and Border Protection (CBP) when traveling to the USA, although in the case of Mexico agents are more flexible with the criteria.

Related story: Essential Travel Restriction Into Mexico Now in Effect

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