Non-Essential Travel Filters into Mexico, Removed Indefinitely

NOGALES, SONORA, MX – The checkpoints to prevent non-essential travel into Mexico were removed less than three days after being installed.

Nadir Fernandez Villasana, local delegate of the National Institute of Migration (INM), confirms that the checkpoints in Nogales installed last Saturday at 7:00 pm were removed on Tuesday at 3:00 pm.

The official confirmed that the checkpoints operated with the participation and endorsement of state authorities, municipal police, and the Secretary of the City Council and Customs.

But that the Presidency of Nogales, Sonora rejected the essential-travel only checkpoints, stating that limiting travelers to essential-only was affecting the local economy.

The local representative of INM said that they are ready to re-install the filters at a moment’s notice.

In a declaration, the Nogales City Council indicates they are in the best disposition to coordinate with the government orders. And ready to partner to apply the measures they consider necessary. Adding that their priority is the health of the people of Nogales.

Port of Entry DeConcinni
Filters in Nogales

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