Nogales Streams Drag Seven Vehicles and One Motorcyclist

NOGALES, SONORA, MX – Seven vehicles and one motorcyclist were dragged by the streams after a heavy monsoon last Friday in the town of Nogales, Sonora.

According to the local Civil Protection Unit, one of the cases was of a family whose car was dragged by the Arroyo Nogales, in the Lomas de Nogales Dos neighborhood, at South Nogales. Nogales is famous for the “arroyos” typically caused by monsoons. Arroyos refer to the streets of Nogales becoming rapid streams when it rains heavily.

All passengers managed to get out safely.

The Day After

During Saturday, local authorities attended dozens of post-monsoon reports such as fallen fences, damage to house roofs and fallen trees, in different neighborhoods such as Los Tapiros and Bulevar El Raquet.

One call was at Torre Greco street, in the Las Torres neighborhood, where the property of 63-year-old Miguel N suffered a roof fall during the heavy rain.

In Bulevar El Raquet an eucalyptus tree fell on one of the street lanes inhibiting traffic for several hours.

Two additional vehicles were dragged between Hermosillo and Ana Gabriela Guevara streets. In one of these two cases, three people were rescued from a car trapped in the water.

In Tecnologico Avenue, a motorist was dragged for almost 100 meters until he was rescued by employees of a hardware store.

Luckily until the time of this article, there are no reports of human losses, only material.

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