Nogales Ranks Among Sonora’s Cities With Best Recovery Rates for Covid-19

NOGALES, SONORA, MX – Out of the 10 Sonoran cities with the highest number of registered cases on Covid-19, Nogales ranks second place on best recovery rate, mayor Jesus Pujol said.

The mayor highlights that according to data by the Secretary of Health in Sonora, hospital occupation in the city of Nogales is at 48%, while a few weeks ago, it was at 75%.

The mayor also reminds the community to not to confuse the declining levels in contagions and deaths, with an anticipated victory, because it is not.

“We must not let our guard down, do not confuse these numbers with an anticipated victory because it is not. Let’s recall experiences from other states where the statistics dropped and they relaxed the prevention measures, which then caused incident rates of infected people to significantly rise,” he added.

According to the Secretary of Health in Sonora, as of Wednesday night, Nogales documented a total of 187 deaths and 1,855 people who have tested positive for Covid-19.

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