Nogales Prepares for Gradual Reopening of City Buildings

NOGALES, ARIZONA, USA – The city of Nogales is designing a methodical reopening of the city’s public service buildings to the general public.

The city’s actions are compliant with Governor Doug Ducey’s guidance on reopening the Arizona economy.

The directors of the city department have been instructed to start planning a possible gradual reopening, the Nogales, Arizona city government said in a statement.


  • Make sure you can breathe through your face cover
  • Make sure the face cover fully covers your nose and mouth
  • Wear face covers when social distancing measures are difficult to maintain
  • Wash with soap and water or an alcohol-based disinfectant before and after using your face covering


  • Use if under 2 years old
  • Wear surgical masks or PPE for healthcare workers.
  • Touch your face while using a face cover
  • Reuse disposable face masks

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