No New Covid-19 Deaths Reported in Arizona

Phoenix, Arizona, USA – For the second time in less than ten days, there were no Covid-19 derived deaths in the state of Arizona.

According to the Arizona Department of Health and Social Services, no deaths were recorded in the report released on Monday morning. The number of reported cases was 279.

The accumulated by Covid-19 amounts to 8,919 cases and 362 deaths, as well as a total of 94,719 tests applied.

Maricopa County documented 168 deaths, Pima 89, and Yuma 3. The counties of Santa Cruz and Cochise continue to record no deaths. Six out of ten Covid-19 fatalities are male.

In Santa Cruz County there are 34 cases; in Cochise 39; in Maricopa 4,751 and in Pima 1,346.

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