New Credit Program for Microenterprises

NOGALES, SONORA – The City Government, through the Municipal Department of Economic Development, invited microenterprise and small enterprise entrepreneurs to apply for the new credit program that the State Government promotes during this period of health emergency for “Coronavirus”.

Perla Anahis Cota Méndez, Coordinator of the Agency of Commerce and Tourism, said that these credits will be granted by the Secretary of Economy of the state of Sonora ranging from 10 thousand to 50 thousand pesos with no interest.

Loans will be 10,000 pesos for self-employment, 25,000 pesos for those with 1 to 10 workers and 50,000 for those with 11 to 50 employees, she said.

Those who acquire this loan, which will be provided by FIDESON, will have 36 months to repay it, including a six-month grace period.

She urged all interested parties to visit the official page of the state and municipal governments, where you can find more information regarding this emerging financial support program.

The requirements that applicants must provide are: Fill out the support form, provide an official identification of current accreditation (Mexican passport or voter credential), the constitutive act if it’s a legal entity, RFC, and a proof of address of the last three months.

Other documents that the interested party must present are: Account statement cover showing the bank name, account number and electronic transfer number are indicated, as well as the last IMSS payment or 2% tax.

#Microenterprise #FIDESON

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