New Chief of Police Appointed

HERMOSILLO, SONORA, MEXICO – Alfonso Novoa was appointed by the Secretary of Public Safety of the State, David Anaya Cooley, as commissioner general of the Public Safety State Police (PESP).

The new chief of police was instructed to design, implement, and execute strategic actions to strengthen security in the entity with the firm purpose of providing safety to the Sonorans.

Anaya Cooley instructed the PESP chief to work with each of the corporation’s chief to strengthen the State Police team.

He stressed that Novoa is a disciplined person who for years has served Sonora, and now at the State Police, will continue delivering positive results in the work of prevention and inhibition of crime.

He said that for his time as director-general, the Procedural Police was characterized by promoting the values ​​and growth of personnel, by strengthening tactical-operational procedures for the execution of security and custody of courtrooms as well as the transfer of defendants, accused or sentenced to the Justice Centers.

And that in the almost five years as head of the Procedural Police he prioritized training, to ensure professional elements, equipped with the appropriate skills to provide protection services to the officials responsible for the administration of justice who work in the courtrooms, as well as the accused.

Novoa is originally from Jiquilpan, Michoacan; he is a graduate of the Professional School of the Federal Highway Police, where he obtained the appointment as First Official of the Federal Highway Police.

Since 1991 he lives in Sonora, where throughout his professional life he has held positions as chief of the Preventive Police and Municipal Traffic of Nogales, Navojoa, Yecora, Alamos, Benito Juarez and Agua Prieta.

Among the main specializations that the new PESP commissioner has are: Weapons and Ballistics; Criminology and Police Investigation; Expert in Land Traffic Facts; identification and recognition of explosives by the FBI; stolen vehicle surveys and defensive tactical driving.

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