National Guard Operations in Sonora’s Northern Region

MAGDALENA, SONORA, MEXICO – The National Guard reported on the latest actions in the Northern region of the Sonora State, mainly in operations at cities such as Nogales, Magdalena, Santa Ana, Ímuris, Caborca ​​, and Trincheras, among others.

  • In the small town Santa Martha, in Santa Ana city, the officials investigated the report of a missing person from the “El Agostadero” area, on the Alicantra hill.
  • In Las Cebollas, in Saric, a GMC Yukon that had a report of theft in the United States and that presented fire shot on the windshield was found.
  • In the Ejido Janos, in Imuris, the National Guard troops in coordination with the Mexican Army and other authorities found three vehicles and carried out a search.
  • They found marijuana plants and material used to care for the growth of the drug such as heat lamps and voltage regulators, as well as artificial growth hormones for plants.

From May 17 to 22, in Imuris and Santa Ana and in coordination with other authorities, they destroyed marijuana and poppy plantations in fields of one, ten, and twelve hectares through manual labor and incineration. They also destroyed four bags of dry poppy bulbs of between 7 and 9 kilograms in weight and 165 cartridges for AR-15 rifles.

On May 22, in the small town La Sangre Nueva in Tubutama, the National Guard secured an M-16 rifle with 2 chargers, 1 kevlar helmet, approximately 17 kilograms of marijuana, and 4 kilograms of marijuana seed.

On May 24, near the ranch Murijakichi in Cucurpe, the National Guard found 2 abandoned vehicles with approximately two tons of marijuana and magazines for AR-15 and AK-47 rifles and more than 300 ammunition.

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