Mexican Customs Initiates Request To Investigate Fight At The Border

NOGALES, SONORA, MEXICO – Mexican Customs have filed a complaint to the Immediate Attention Unit (UNAI) to investigate the incident of the fight in the Garita 1 between a female customs agent and a US citizen civilian.

Juan Gim, the administrator of the Nogales Port, confirmed that the case has already been presented so that the corresponding authority can determine the responsibility of the participants.

It was confirmed that on Thursday afternoon the female civilian who participated in the fight was released from local jail.

The fight incident happened last Wednesday when the female customs agent engaged in a fight with the female civilian, a US citizen. The fight happened in the pedestrian port of entry in Nogales, Sonora, and was witnessed, recorded, and distributed in social media by several people.

According to the information provided by Mexican Customs, the incident started when the civilian entered the country through the pedestrian gates, she did not pass her merchandise through the mandatory customs inspection band.

The agent ran after her and from there the problem began which ended in a fight.

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