Man Arrives at Work and Dies

Crimes in Nogales - Summary

NOGALES, SONORA, MX – A maquiladora employee collapsed when he was getting off the bus that was transporting him to work, losing his life moments later.

The case occurred on Wednesday afternoon when local police officers were called to the maquila Productos para el Cuidado de la Salud, located on Boulevard El Cid in Nogales, Sonora.

At the scene, authorities spoke with 42-year-old Miguel N, manager of the maquiladora. He stated that when the bus arrived with second-shift personnel, the 34-year-old worker Joel Pavel F walked for about 15 meters before he collapsed while convulsing.

The worker was transferred to the emergency response area of the facility, where they applied CPR, but the employee no longer responded.

Paramedics of the Mexican Red Cross arrived at the scene, as well as agents  of the State Attorney’s Office who confirmed the death.

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