Magdalena De Kino Sanitizes Public Locations

MAGDALENA DE KINO, SONORA,. MX.- After the official confirmation of two cases of Covid-19 in the famous Sonoran town of Magdalena de Kino, the municipal president Francisco Zepeda Munro urgently ordered the watering of streets and public places with a sanitizing chlorine solution.

The streets and public places with the highest visits from visits and residents, are being sanitized with a chlorine solution made up of chlorine and water.

Personnel from the Magdalena de Kino Fire Department and the City Department of Water, as well as Public Services workers, started this task early this Saturday.

Just weeks ago, the municipal president of this town located 80 kilometers south from the border of Sonora and Arizona, publicly “scolded” his constituents for not following the instructions to stay home and avoid frequenting public places.

Zepeda Murno also lectured the store owners for incurring in price increases taking advantage of the Covid-19 pandemic.

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