Liquid Narcotics Cargo Seized

SAN LUIS RIO COLORADO, SONORA, MX – The Public Safety State Police (PESP), in coordination with the Mexican Army, stopped a truck with several containers with liquid narcotics.

The drug was seized at the Regional Security Military Post, Doctor Station, located on State highway No. 40 of the Gulf of Santa Clara-San Luis Rio Colorado section.

The driver of the trailer carrying the drugs was identified as Homero N and was arrested.

Seven containers were found inside the cargo area of the white Freightliner trailer. Six of the containers had approximately 19 liters (5 gallons) of liquid each but they also found smaller containers with reddish liquid, which gave off a strong, apparently narcotic smell, though authorities did not officially confirm what the substance was.

Due to the discovery, elements of the PESP proceeded to confiscate the liquid and the investigation will be processed.

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