Industry Will Continue to Follow Health Guidelines

NOGALES, SONORA, MX – Operations in the maquiladora industry in Nogales is following the health guidelines established by state authorities. With temporary closings, and only companies classified as essential kept open, the maquiladora industry in Nogales is complying with the safety protocols needed during the health emergency.

Hipólito Sedano Ruiz, national vice-president of the North Pacific Region of Canacintra, stated that they maintain the position of being respectful of the criteria established by the health sector of the State of Sonora.

He said that it is not yet the time to discuss the opening of establishments or industries, but to join the measures to protect workers and pay attention to the recommendations of the health authorities.

Yesterday, Nogales was the third city with the most cases of Covid-19 in the state of Sonora.

During the weekend, a dozen health workers tested positive for Covid-19. These are all workers from the Social Security Clinic 64, located in the Industrial Park of Nogales.

On Sunday and Monday morning, Sonora health authorities confirmed ten additional cases of infected medical personnel in Nogales, where the cumulative is now 27 cases of Coronavirus 2019.

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