Illegal Drug Crossing Attempts Continue

LUKEVILLE, ARIZONA, US– Regardless of restrictions, illegal drug crossing attempts have not stopped at border crossings ports of Mexico and the United States.

Lukeville-Sonoyta Port of Entry

At the Lukeville-Sonoyta Port of Entry, Customs and Border Protection officers (CBP) seized a shipment of fentanyl, cocaine, heroin, and methamphetamine inside a vehicle.

According to a report, the drug was hidden in different areas of the vehicle, and was detected thanks to the K9 team.

They located 6 pounds of fentanyl, 21 of cocaine, 27 of methamphetamines and 2 of heroin.

San Luis Port of Entry

In a second case in San Luis Port of Entry, officers seized 160 pounds of methamphetamine hidden in the lateral panels, roof, floor, dash, console and in the spare tire of a car driven by a US citizen.

Also in this border port, officers seized 1.5 pounds of heroin transported by two “body carriers’’ last Tuesday. Both women were referred to secondary inspection due to nervous behavior.

  • Illegal Drug Crossing Attempts Continue
  • Illegal Drug Crossing Attempts Continue

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