Honeywell to Produce N95 Masks in Phoenix

PHOENIX, ARIZONA.- Arizona state has secured a new agreement with Honeywell to produce over 6 million N95 masks over the next 12 months.

Upon production of the masks, the Arizona Department of Health Services will deliver them to county health departments for further distribution to health, safety, and emergency response workers.

According to a press release from the office of the governor of Arizona, Doug Doucey, last monday Honeywell announced that it is adding manufacturing capabilities in Phoenix to produce N95 face masks in support of response efforts to the novel coronavirus (COVID-19).

“The company anticipates that the new mask production line in Phoenix will create more than 500 new jobs in Arizona, for which Honeywell has already begun recruiting, hiring and training manufacturing workers on the site’’, informed.

Darius Adamczyk, Honeywell chairman and chief executive officer, said that Honeywell are moving quickly to expand the production capacity for N95 masks globally and are pleased to partner with the state of Arizona.

“Responding to Covid-19 is an all-hands-on-deck effort, and Honeywell is proud of our role in providing essential equipment to the first responders and medical professionals we are relying on during this crisis’’, he added.

On March 31, the Arizona Governor announced an update related to Arizona medical supplies.

“Arizona has now received 75% of its Strategic National Stockpile (SNS) allocation, totaling more than 1.2 million medical supplies to date. So far, the SNS allocation to Arizona has included over 180 thousand N95 masks, 532 thousand surgical face masks, and 85 thousand face shields.

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