Homeless Man is Attacked with an Ice Pick

NOGALES, SONORA, MX – A homeless is attacked with an ice pick when sleeping in an old abandoned restaurant at El Greco.

According to police reports, the case was reported at 9:42 pm on Monday, when municipal police received an emergency call ask them to go to the abandoned building located at Prolongacion Bulevar El Greco and Bulevar 2000.

Arriving at the scene, officers found a person that was bleeding from his arms and legs and immediately requested the assistance of paramedics from the Mexican Red Cross.

The rescuers transferred the victim to the General Hospital, where they treated him for multiple cut injuries on his face and legs.

The victim is 29-year-old Braulio N with no residential address in the city. He reported that when he was lying on a mat, two men approached, and without saying a word attacked him with an ice pick and fled.

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