Four Children Rescued From Abusive Stepfather

NOGALES, SONORA, MX – Thanks to reports made by the grandmother, local police officers saved four children who were allegedly beaten by their stepfather. The grandmother reported to the authorities some injuries she noticed in one of her four grandchildren.

According to police reports the mother was not found in her home.

The case was reported on Thursday when local police officers were required to deal with an incident of domestic violence in a family living in an apartment in Fraccionamiento Canoas.

They spoke with 45-year-old Maria N, who claimed to be the maternal grandmother of four children of ages seven, five, three, and two years old. The last child is not yet registered in State Civil Registry.

She denounced that the children arrived at her home and when one passed in front of her, she saw that one of them had injuries.

When she asked the children about the injuries they told her that the man who lived with his mother (stepfather) had beaten them.

The grandmother called the Police, whose agents went to the scene and saved the four infants, who will be transferred to a Municipal shelter.

Neither the mother nor the stepfather were found in the location.

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