Face Masks Mandatory When in Public Transportation

TUCSON, ARIZONA, US – As of Saturday, June 20, all passengers will be required to use a face covering or mask to ride Sun Tran, Sun Link, Sun Shuttle and Sun Van

By Proclamation of Mayor Regina Romero, all passengers will be required to use a face covering or mask on all transit vehicles and at transit centers. Sun Tran, Sun Link, Sun Van, and Sun Shuttle have the right to refuse a ride to passengers not wearing a mask. Non-medical masks, cloths, bandanas, and scarves can be used. “With the economy re-opening and ridership slowly increasing, it’s important for riders to use a face covering to protect themselves and others from COVID-19,” said Sun Tran General Manager, Steve Spade in a statement.

“We ask all riders to do your part to make transit safe for everyone ”, he added.

Sun Tran has a limited supply of masks at the Ronstadt and Laos Transit Centers. Customer Service Representatives are available in the information booths on weekdays from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Riders can get a mask from a representative while supplies last. 

Face coverings must cover the mouth and nose, and can be made from cloth material that is easily washable and reusable. Children 2 years old and younger, and persons with medical conditions that prohibit them from wearing face-covering are exempt.

Transit fares currently remain free to reduce direct contact between passengers and drivers. Drivers are provided with masks, gloves, and disinfectant spray to keep their work area clean throughout the day.

In addition to wearing face coverings, Sun Tran encourages riders to take preventative measures to stay safe including covering coughs/sneezes and washing hands regularly. Passengers should also continue to practice social distancing from other passengers when possible and stand behind the yellow line after boarding.

We encourage riders to only use public transit for essential travel and stay home if sick. Bus, shuttle, and paratransit services are operating on regular schedules. Streetcar services continue to operate a summer schedule for the Arizona summer break.

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