Essential Travel Restrictions Extended

NOGALES, ARIZONA, USA – The Department of Homeland Security confirmed Tuesday afternoon that travel restrictions for “non-essential border crossing” from Mexico to the United States have extended for another month.

The extension of the measure goes into effect at 00:01 a.m. May 21 and expires June 22 at 11:59 p.m.

On March 24, 2020, it was decided to limit travel between Mexico and the United States to those classified as essential travelers to reduce the spread of the Covid-19 pandemic.

Initially, the restriction was scheduled to end on April 20, but shortly before the date an extension was announced through May 20. This Tuesday the restriction is extended once more until June 22 at 11:59 p.m.

Under the category of essential travel, all US citizens and residents are included. Employees, emergency personnel, and workers in the transportation industry as well as those who travel for medical and educational purposes. Government officials and diplomats, as well as members of the United States Armed Forces and their families.

Statement by Chad Wolf, Acting Secretary of the Department of Homeland Security:

"As I have repeatedly stated – border security is homeland security. Our efforts over the last several months to limit non-essential travel have been successful and now is not the time to change course. The President has made it clear that we must continue to keep legitimate, commercial trade flowing while limiting those seeking to enter our country for non-essential purposes. Non-essential travel will not be permitted until this administration is convinced that doing so is safe and secure.

We have been in contact with our Canadian and Mexican counterparts and they also agree that extending these restrictions is prudent at this time. We appreciate our partnership with Mexico and Canada in ensuring that North America is working together to combat the ongoing global pandemic."

Photo credit (by): Wikipedia-Ambos Nogales

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