Distance Learning Begins in Mexico for Basic Education Level

NOGALES, SONORA, MX – Some experiencing technical problems and others with a lack of Internet services and computer equipment, classes at the basic education level in Mexico began this Monday.

Children, both in private and public schools, started classes through distance learning by using platforms such as Zoom, Facebook Live, YouTube channels, or via an open television signal.

Parents stated that this was a complicated start, and added that they hoped that it would be smoother in the coming days.

There were also cases of children living in poverty, their families tuned in to the television channels that the Government of the State of Sonora arranged to broadcast the school courses, in an effort to continue their children’s education.

The expectation in public education is that during the first three weeks of class, they can establish a work rhythm, resolve doubts, and make a quick review of the knowledge acquired last year.

Currently, there is no date and time when children will attend classes through distance learning to prevent the further spread of Covid-19, but it is estimated that this method will continue throughout 2020.

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