Crime Report – Nogales Mx

Stolen Vehicle

Eduardo N, 29, reported his Nissan, Sentra, 1997 as stolen.

He reported to local police officers that that he was at the home of a relative on Celaya Street in the Municipal neighborhood when this happened.

He said that he left the car overnight and when he tried to use it in the next day, he realized it had been stolen.

Tucsonian Restrained and Detained

A Tucson, Arizona resident was detained by local police after committing a traffic violation and attempting to assault the officers.

The case occurred Tuesday at 10:10 pm, as Police officers were patrolling on the street Adolfo López Mateos. They saw a vehicle that was double parked and asked the driver to move it. The driver ignored the police officers at first and later moved the car and parked in a handicap parking space.

The agents let the driver know he would be fined since he did not have the right permit to park in that space. The driver was aggravated by this and the officers had to restrain and move him to the local jail. A detainment order for the car was released.

The driver was identified as Sebastián N., 21 years old.

Robbery at Elementary School

A neighbor from the Pueblo Nuevo neighborhood called the 911 emergency phone line to report that moments before, a person stole a computer from an elementary school and hid it behind some bushes.

The caller did not provide his name, but said that minutes before he saw a person steal a computer from the Francisco Javier Curiel Ramos school, located on Calle Municipio La Colorada, and later hid it in some bushes in the back of a car body shop.

The agents called the director of the school, who, upon checking realized that a projector and a printer were also missing.

The director was invited to file an official claim.

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