Crime Report – Nogales, MX

Man Kidnapped, Beaten and Abandoned

A 22 year old man was located west of the city, he had serious injuries and hours before had been kidnapped by armed individuals.

The incident occurred Monday afternoon, local police were informed that a person was lying at the end of the Pueblitos neighborhood.

The police searched the area finding Daniel N, 22, who had visible injuries on various parts of the body.

The wounded man recounted that a day earlier he went to a store when suddenly four people arrived in a pick-up truck, approached him and violently put him in the car while they beat him, they later abandoned him at the same place where he was found.

Mexican Red Cross paramedics assisted the victim, who was admitted to the Nogales General Hospital, where he received treatment for life-threatening injuries to his body.

Body Found at Pinsa Industrial Park

Local police found the body of an individual from the city of Navojoa, Sonora near the railway tracks by an industrial park in southern Nogales.

Crimes in Nogales - Summary

The deceased was identified as José de Jesús Sarmiento Montoya, 38, who has no address in town.

Local police found him after receiving a report on the 911 emergency phone line that reported that a person was lying on the railroad tracks, in the Nogales Industrial Park (Pinsa).

When police officers arrived onsite they located the body. A witness stated that he knew the deceased, who had been drinking alcohol beverages for several days.

When he was walking on Mariano Jiménez street,

Man Shot While Walking

Eduardo N, 26, was shot in the right foot by an unknown man. The incident happened as Eduardo was walking on Mariano Jimenez street, a man shot him on the foot without saying anything.

When the incident occurred on Monday at 6pm, local police officers received a report on the 911 emergency phone line about a person being injured by a gunshot.

The officers located the injured person, who stated that he does not know the identity of the aggressor nor the reason why he shot him.

The wounded man was aided by Mexican Red Cross paramedics, who transfered him to a hospital.

Nogales General Hospital

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