Covid_19 Arizona Update

TUCSON, ARIZONA, US – The recent outbreak of Covid-19 infections in Arizona, after the gradual economic re-opening has caused for Arizona with Florida, California, and Texas, to be considered as the new epicenter of the pandemic.

Several days this week, the number of new people infected has exceeded 3,500, according to the Arizona Department of Health Services.

“Arizona faces more cases per capita than those registered in any country in Europe or even more than the confirmed number of cases in Brazil,” cited international news agencies.

“Hospitals are filling up. The restaurants are closing, again, more than a month after Arizona reopened its economy under the “Return Stronger” mantra”, the Washington Post wrote.

The state of Arizona is closing this Friday with a cumulative of 66,458 people who have tested positive for Covid-19 and a total of 1,553 deaths.

This day 3,428 new infections and 45 deaths were confirmed.

The state rate of cases per 100,000 inhabitants is 924.4 and the percentage of positive tests is 9.1% of the 636,950 that have been carried out to date.

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