Covid-19 Update – Santa Cruz County

NOGALES, ARIZONA, USA – The number of positive cases of Covid-19 in Santa Cruz County, Arizona, border with Nogales, Sonora reaches 23.

Local authorities confirmed that four additional cases were confirmed during the weekend; and during this Monday three more were detected by the County Health Services. The total number of infections so far remains at 23.

A 44% increase has been documented in confirmed cases in the County since last friday.

Of the seven new cases, two were related to trips to areas of community spread and five were local. At least seven of the last ten cases detected are local infections.

The recent increase in Covid-19 infections in Santa Cruz County is parallel to state projections that predicted that there would be a “peak” in Arizona in late April.

Local authorities ask the community to maintain social distance, stay at home and have strong hygiene habits, primarily washing your hands.

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