Covid-19 Update – Arizona

PHOENIX, ARIZONA, US.- On Thursday, Arizona reached 150 deaths derived from complications of Covid-19, as well as 4,234 contagions.

In a single day, 272 people have been confirmed as infected. Last Wednesday there were 3,962 cases.

According to the Arizona Department of Public Health Services, six of ten people who have lost their lives due to complications from the 2019 Coronavirus were men.

Pima County has 37 deaths, Maricopa 64.

Of the 150 deaths in total, 107 were adults over 65 years old; 24 were in the range from 55 to 64 years; 14 were in the range from 45 to 54 and 5 between 20 and 44 years.


A total of 47,398 Covid-19 tests has been applied, of which 3,962 have been positive. The majority of tests have been applied in people aged 20 to 44 years.

Although Covid-19 seems to be more lethal in males because documenting 6 of every ten patients deceased; 53% of the infections that have occurred in the State of Arizona are in women and 47% in men.

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