Covid-19 Update – Arizona

TUCSON, ARIZONA, US – On Tuesday the Department of Health Services of the State of Arizona confirmed 3,591 new infected people and 42 new deaths.

The cumulative of cases during the current pandemic reached 58,179 infections, while the number of deaths reached 1,384 in the state of Arizona.

Border counties with Mexico are among the most affected.

In Santa Cruz County, the total percentage of positive tests over those carried out is 25.45 when the state of Arizona average is 8.6.

Santa Cruz’s rate of contagion per 100,000 inhabitants is 2,861.1 when the rate in the state goes to 809.3.

In Yuma County, 14.3% of the tests applied have tested positive for Covid-19 and the rate of contagion per 100,000 inhabitants is 2,060.8.

Santa Cruz has 1,521 cases of infection and 13 deaths; Pima has 6,089 cases of infection and 247 deaths; Maricopa has 33,883 cases of infection and 663 deaths.

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