Covid-19 Update – Arizona

PHOENIX, ARIZONA, USA – A total of 1,556 new Covid-19 infections, the highest number for a single day, was confirmed Wednesday by the Arizona Department of Health and Human Services. Also in the morning, 25 new deaths were reported.

The accumulated number of cases amounted to 29,852, while the volume of deaths reached 1,095; while the number of tests applied is 416,944.

The percentage of positive tests is 6.4, while the mortality rate per 100,000 inhabitants is 15.23, while the case rate per 100,000 inhabitants reached 415.

In Santa Cruz County there are 688 confirmed cases; in Cochise 167; in Pima 3 thousand 350 and in Yuma 2 thousand 439, while in Maricopa County there are 15 thousand 282.

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