City’s Covid-19 Preventive Group Begins Operations

NOGALES, SONORA, MX – With the participation of local police officers, the Mexican Army, and the National Guard, the operation of the Covid-19 Operative Group officially began on Thursday morning.

The objective of the new group is to enforce the preventive health measures approved by the Nogales City Council.

The Mayor of Nogales, Jesus Pujol Irastorza, with city and state officials, witnessed the start of operations of the Covid-19 Operative Group. This group will patrol the streets and strategic points in the city dispersing crowds while enforcing sanitary provisions in the strategic plan “Todos Somos Nogales” (We are all Nogales).

Sanitary measures such as the mandatory use of face masks and the sanitization of public spaces. Public spaces include taxis, buses, supermarkets, and businesses.

The mayor was clear that the intent is not to apply economic sanctions to those who do not comply with the measures established in the agreement, instead the aim is to mitigate the rate of infections in the city.

The plan by the Alliance Todos Somos Nogales aims to convene the different sectors of the community, to work together. Creating strategies that include health, economic, and social aspects, and allowing the community to overcome the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic.

It includes the participation of the industrial and business sectors, as well as state and local authorities of Health, Civil Protection, and Security. And it includes Councils, Mexican Army, National Guard as well as different social and religious actors in the municipality.

The Alliance also includes support resources and training in health prevention protocols. These are available to street vendors and businesses of all sizes both essential and non-essential. The resources will allow them to operate with the correct sanitary measures to minimize the increase in infections.

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