U.S. expecting the worst ever chlorinating pads shortage

  • Chlorinating pads shortage
  • Commercial pool owners and managers don’t remember a problem like this

There are around 5.2 million residential pools in the United States/PIXABAY

TEXAS.- Summer is getting close but the worst chlorine shortage ever in the United States too.
The main problem is in the pools because there is a short production of chlorinating tabs, while the demand is huge.
According to news agencies that interviewed several commercial pool owners and managers, they don’t remember a problem like this that is approaching for the summer season.
It estimates that there are 5.2 million residential pools in the United States and 255 thousand commercial pools.
It is unknown the number of high-level pools, but what isn’t unknown is that between 60% and 70% use chlorinating pads.

Chlorinating pads shortage
The main reason obeys the lack of production and the increasing demand for the product because the summer approaching, and, the opening of thousands of pools because this product is used to eliminate dirty in pools.
But the most important part of the chlorinating pads is that its use to protect swimmers of diseases like Cryptosporidium y legionella and Naegleria fowleri, also known as brain-eating amoeba.
Today there are only two national producers of the chlorine tabs.

A third one is located in Lake Charles, Louisiana which stopped producing because of a fire that destroys the plant.
The lack of product has caused that some pool owners are accumulating pads, which causes high prices in this product.

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