Child Care Options for Covid-19 Frontline Workers

PHOENIX, ARIZONA, US – First responders, workers in critical health care positions and essential public sector workers, as well as child care personnel, will have an option for the care of their children.

On Wednesday, Arizona’s Governor Doug Doucey and Superintendent of Public Instruction Kathy Hoffman jointly announced the project.

They said that beginning next week the Arizona Enrichment Centers will offer childcare to people who work in these positions considered essential.

The announcement comes as school closings have been extended and other security measures have been put in place to respond to the spread of Covid-19.

According to a press release, this initiative is made possible thanks to the strong leadership and partnership of several school districts across the state. With more expected to join in the coming days and weeks, several of the school leaders are already offering childcare services to provide much needed assistance to kids and families in their communities, especially critical workforce employees.

All school sites will follow the CDC Guidance for Schools and Childcare Programs, the ADHS Childcare Facility COVID-19 Guidance, as well as guidance issued by local public health departments.

Key things to know about the Student Enrichment Centers:

  • Children and staff/volunteers will have their temperatures taken upon entering the enrichment center – anyone with a fever will not be admitted.
  • Volunteers/staff at the enrichment centers will wipe down surfaces frequently with disinfectant.
  • Each room will not exceed a safe maximum of students, supported by at least one adult; this will both allow for personalized attention and will meet social distancing needs.
  • Children will be offered a site based on their home address and their parent or caregiver’s eligibility.
  • Districts are working to select schools in close proximity to hospitals to add convenience for health care workers.
  • Centers will be open Monday through Friday. Hours may vary by location.
  • The environment will be safe and supportive, and staff will be prepared to respond to children’s social and emotional needs. All staff will complete background checks.
  • Children will be allowed to bring remote devices so they can work on schoolwork while at the centers.

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