Cemeteries Closed This Weekend

NOGALES, SONORA, MX – In compliance with the sanitary recommendations to prevent the spread of Covid19, the city government will close access to the city’s cemeteries this weekend, when Mexico celebrates Father’s Day.

Alberto Lopez Rodriguez, local Police chief, reported that the instructions of the mayor Jesus Pujol Irastorza are to take the same actions that were applied last May 10. For Mother’s Day weekend all public and private cemeteries in the city were also closed.

On June 19, 20 and 21 of this month, Nogales’ cemeteries will be kept closed.

“With this sanitary measure we had excellent results, on May 10, Mother’s Day… and this time, we expect the same result and for people to raise awareness to avoid crowds in these places. Generally, because it is a day special, such as Mother’s Day and Father’s Day, the community wants to visit their loved ones to their graves,” said Lopez Rodriguez.

However, he mentioned that due to the current health contingency, it will not be possible for loved ones to visit the ones that passed, since all the cemeteries will be kept closed and guarded by the authority.

“The reason is to prevent a “wave‘‘ of contagions in these places, since, because they are public, they become areas of high risk, and if the provisions of the municipality are not complied with, it might mean a considerable increase in the number of infections,” he added.

Likewise, the local Police chief suggested to the community, to avoid celebrating at home. He urged the community not to schedule traditional gatherings for the celebration of Father’s Day since everything is a risk. This could later be seen reflected in the statistics of the health sector.

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