Cemeteries Closed in Sonora Due to Covid-19

NOGALES, SONORA, MEXICO – As in many countries, Mother’s Day is very special in Mexico, but because of the Covid-19 pandemic, this year will be very different.

In the Mexican culture, it is tradition to visit our mothers during May 10 and have a special celebration, but, those who no longer have their mother because she passed away, usually visit cemeteries to put flowers on their graves.

Nogales Cemetery

But today is a different story. Derived from the risk of spreading Covid-19, the authorities of the Sonora Government have requested all municipalities to close the cemeteries during this weekend to avoid crowds.

In the northern part of Sonora in cities such as Nogales, Caborca, Magdalena and Santa Ana, the local governments will order their cemeteries to be closed during this weekend.

The measure is made to avoid crowding people in cemeteries and will be in effect between May 8 and 10.

Police officers will be onsite to deter those who wish to enter the cemeteries despite the closure.

Santa Ana and Caborca will close their cemeteries on May 9 and 10. In Magdalena de Kino, they will be closed on May 8, 9, and 10. In Nogales the cemeteries will be closed on Saturday and Sunday.

The closings were proposed by the State Commission Against Sanitary Risks (Coesprisson) on the recommendation of the State Health Council for the suspension of cemetery activity throughout Sonora.

The determination is given because Mother’s Day is celebrated in Mexico next Sunday, May 10.

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