Canaco Estimates 80% Drop in Sales at the Border

NOGALES, SONORA, MX – The drop in sales in Nogales, Mexico border stores is estimated to be 80%, stated the president in Nogales of the National Chamber of Commerce, Services and Tourism, Julio César León Gil.

He declared that the economic situation that the local stores are going through, is very difficult, and everyone can see it.

“Of course, it is necessary to take care of ourselves during the Covid-19 contingency, but it is also necessary to reduce the length of the contingency restrictions. The stores are reaching a critical point where it will be very difficult to keep them in business, ” he said.

The businessman added that store owners are requesting that the temporary closings ordered for the State Government end on May 31.

We have to prepare the stores to open gradually; we are preparing a plan with guidelines on how to open businesses with all the necessary measures to prevent Covid-19 spread” he said.

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